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About Ouble Books


Ouble is a book store for online purchase using Paypal: if you don't like paypal, there are other ways; do ask.

Paypal is very simple to use, very economical to use - for buyer and seller - and it does give some protection to the shopper. Knowing what sharks some internet sellers are, that is a real plus. I use it as a buyer, too. Read the payment details

The store sells Pre-loved, Second-hand, Used & Rare Books. Read about our quality scale.

The site is searchable, thanks to the free service from Google.


Book Searches

I am prepared to do book searches, and you will see all the information that I see - you'll see the price of the book, and my fee will be 10% only, on top of that price. Many search sites might charge $20.00 for a book, plus 10% - but not reveal that the book cost them $3.00! - and the seller is asked not to enclose such trivia!!



Biography   Fiction   Humour   Pubs & Beer   Healthcare   Miscellany   Nature   Thought

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Biography - eclectic selection of biograhy and autobiography

Fiction including many first editions at competitive prices.

Healthcare - Selection of nursing, medicine and sociological tomes, including some classics

Humour - TV-linked books, 'humourous' novels.Plus 'annual editions' and more.

Nature - The Environment and the Natural World; a selection of books on zoos, wildlife, human behaviour

Pubs and Brewing and Brewiana - a selection of rare and unusual books and booklets.

Thought - From Marx to the Bible, a selection of quality books on politics, philosophy and religion.

Miscellany - You name it!

Private Eye - UK's Books


Biography   Fiction   Humour   Pubs & Beer   Healthcare   Miscellany   Nature   Thought

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29 March 2021   Copyright Andrew Heenan       Privacy is an independent web site, with no connection to any of the companies producing the branded books, magazines and films mentioned on these pages.